Adding Endpoints

This is mostly useful if you've managed to catch a new Telegram Bot API update before the library can get updated. It's also a great source of information about how the types work internally.

Creating the Config

The first step in adding a new endpoint is to create a new Config type for it. These belong in configs.go.

Let's try and add the deleteMessage endpoint. We can see it requires two fields; chat_id and message_id. We can create a struct for these.

type DeleteMessageConfig struct { ChatID ??? MessageID int }

What type should ChatID be? Telegram allows specifying numeric chat IDs or channel usernames. Golang doesn't have union types, and interfaces are entirely untyped. This library solves this by adding two fields, a ChatID and a ChannelUsername. We can now write the struct as follows.

type DeleteMessageConfig struct { ChannelUsername string ChatID int64 MessageID int }

Note that ChatID is an int64. Telegram chat IDs can be greater than 32 bits.

Okay, we now have our struct. But we can't send it yet. It doesn't implement Chattable so it won't work with Request or Send.

Making it Chattable

We can see that Chattable only requires a few methods.

type Chattable interface { params() (Params, error) method() string }

params is the fields associated with the request. method is the endpoint that this Config is associated with.

Implementing the method is easy, so let's start with that.

func (config DeleteMessageConfig) method() string { return "deleteMessage" }

Now we have to add the params. The Params type is an alias for map[string]string. Telegram expects only a single field for chat_id, so we have to determine what data to send.

We could use an if statement to determine which field to get the value from. However, as this is a relatively common operation, there's helper methods for Params. We can use the AddFirstValid method to go through each possible value and stop when it discovers a valid one. Before writing your own Config, it's worth taking a look through params.go to see what other helpers exist.

Now we can take a look at what a completed params method looks like.

func (config DeleteMessageConfig) params() (Params, error) { params := make(Params) params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername) params.AddNonZero("message_id", config.MessageID) return params, nil }

Uploading Files

Let's imagine that for some reason deleting a message requires a document to be uploaded and an optional thumbnail for that document. To add file upload support we need to implement Fileable. This only requires one additional method.

type Fileable interface { Chattable files() []RequestFile }

First, let's add some fields to store our files in. Most of the standard Configs have similar fields for their files.

type DeleteMessageConfig struct { ChannelUsername string ChatID int64 MessageID int + Delete RequestFileData + Thumb RequestFileData }

Adding another method is pretty simple. We'll always add a file named delete and add the thumb file if we have one.

func (config DeleteMessageConfig) files() []RequestFile { files := []RequestFile{{ Name: "delete", Data: config.Delete, }} if config.Thumb != nil { files = append(files, RequestFile{ Name: "thumb", Data: config.Thumb, }) } return files }

And now our files will upload! It will transparently handle uploads whether File is a FilePath, FileURL, FileBytes, FileReader, or FileID.

Base Configs

Certain Configs have repeated elements. For example, many of the items sent to a chat have ChatID or ChannelUsername fields, along with ReplyToMessageID, ReplyMarkup, and DisableNotification. Instead of implementing all of this code for each item, there's a BaseChat that handles it for your Config. Simply embed it in your struct to get all of those fields.

There's only a few fields required for the MessageConfig struct after embedding the BaseChat struct.

type MessageConfig struct { BaseChat Text string ParseMode string DisableWebPagePreview bool }

It also inherits the params method from BaseChat. This allows you to call it, then you only have to add your new fields.

func (config MessageConfig) params() (Params, error) { params, err := config.BaseChat.params() if err != nil { return params, err } params.AddNonEmpty("text", config.Text) // Add your other fields return params, nil }

Similarly, there's a BaseFile struct for adding an associated file and BaseEdit struct for editing messages.

Making it Friendly

After we've got a Config type, we'll want to make it more user-friendly. We can do this by adding a new helper to helpers.go. These are functions that take in the required data for the request to succeed and populate a Config.

Telegram only requires two fields to call deleteMessage, so this will be fast.

func NewDeleteMessage(chatID int64, messageID int) DeleteMessageConfig { return DeleteMessageConfig{ ChatID: chatID, MessageID: messageID, } }

Sometimes it makes sense to add more helpers if there's methods where you have to set exactly one field. You can also add helpers that accept a username string for channels if it's a common operation.

And that's it! You've added a new method.